There are many designer handbag supplier fraud takes place online, but be careful wholesale list scam right now. You can either invest time and money in the years of research, as many did, or you can try and error, by avoiding some simple guidelines to save falling victim to these designer handbag fraud. Follow these simple steps to prevent fraud! It is easy to see by going to Google and typing design wholesale handbags that you have created your workfor you if you go to search through hundreds of thousands of potential distributors.
Remember the old adage ... if it sounds too good to be true, it normally is. For those of you who purchased or are thinking about having acquired these "wholesale lists" that sold on eBay and other websites that allow me to save some hard earned money ... beware, designer handbags wholesale list scam .... these lists are a total SCAM! To sell this "wholesale lists" in the rule foranywhere from $ 2.50 to $ 7.99.
Think about it: why should people give their closely guarded wholesale handbags sources for seven dollars?
The answer: You do not have all efforts on the wholesale list, it is full of GARBAGE! She went closest to a search engine such as Google, typed the word "wholesale handbags" in the search box, threw the first 20 results on a piece of paper and called it a wholesale list. Save yourself the seven dollars and a lot of trouble and careDesigner handbags wholesale list scam by them to date!
Let's be honest here, if you think that you find in designer handbags at wholesale that you can without having to buy a minimum quantity purchase (with the exception of drop-shippers), I'm sorry to say, but such a Wholesale simply not available. There is no such thing as a designer handbag wholesaler, you can buy a piece at a time for personal use. Think about it for a minute ... then why wouldBuy it Gucci boutiques if people are Gucci handbags, one piece at a time could, at wholesale prices? It just does not make sense, and it is naive to think that there is such a list.